United States Presidents Who Owned SlavesShare
No. President Approximate Number
of Slaves Held
While in Office?
1st George Washington (Independent Party) 250–600+ Yes (1789–1797)
3rd Thomas Jefferson (Democrat - Republican Party) 200–600+ Yes (1801–1809)
4th James Madison (Democrat - Republican Party) 100+ Yes (1809–1817)
5th James Monroe (Democrat - Republican Party) 75 Yes (1817–1825)
7th Andrew Jackson (Democrat Party) 200 Yes (1829–1837)
8th Martin Van Buren (Democrat Party) 1 No (1837–1841)
9th William Henry Harrison (Democrat - Republican Party ; Whig Party) 11 No (1841)
10th John Tyler (Democrat - Republican Party ; Whig Party) 29 Yes (1841–1845)
11th James K. Polk (Democrat Party) 56 Yes (1845–1849)
12th Zachary Taylor (Whig Party) 300 Yes (1849–50)
16th Abraham Lincoln (Republican Party) Freed the Slaves
American Civil War - 750,000 Dead
No (1861-1865)
17th Andrew Johnson (Democrat Party) 9 No (1865–1869)
18th Ulysses S. Grant (Democrat Party) 1 No (1869–1877)
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